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EMSAT Exam Preparation

Physics, Chemistry  Biology Mathematics & English
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Complete course preparation
Topical preparation
Batch and one-on-one classes
2 classes a week per subject
8 classes a month
1 hour each class

EMSAT - Biology

Section 1: From molecules to living organisms: Structure and function

Biological molecules: 

  • Distinguish between the four major categories of carbon compounds in terms of composition, Energy values, and primary functions in the body

  • Relate the properties of water to its roles in living organisms

  • Enzymes: Explain the role and effect of enzymes and other factors, such as pH and temperature, in the chemical reactions carried out in living organisms

  • Cellular respiration: Identify and summarize the major cellular processes of breaking energy-rich molecules to obtain energy.

  • Cell structure and Homeostasis: Demonstrate a good understanding of handling and using the light microscope for examination purposes, and compare with electron microscope in terms of resolution, magnification and useExplain the role of the cell in different living organisms and describe the cellular processes to sustain life and maintain homeostasi

  • Relate the structure of major body systems in multicellular organisms to their specific functions and their interaction with each other to maintain homeostasis


Section 2: Heredity and genetic technology

Content Specifications:

Cell Cycle and division:

  • Explain the importance of cell growth and division and explain possible outcomes when errors occur during the cell cycle


Protein formation:

  • Explain transcription, post-transcriptional modifications and translation, and relate these processes to gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

  • Use the genetic code rules to read the DNA sequence, and to identify the amino acids in the polypeptide chain



  • Describe genetic variation and explain how and why it occurs with relation to the importance of population biodiversity and stability

  • Identify the role of genes in determining the phenotype and predict the probable outcomes of offspring with reference to various modes of inheritance including dominance, codominance, sex-linked, polygenic and multiple alleles

  • Evaluate the importance of genetic engineering in medicine, industry and agriculture and its impacts providing examples on its use in each field


Section 3: Evolution and Diversity of Life

Introduction to evolution:

• Discuss the early concepts of evolution and investigate different evidence to determine the

evolutionary relationships among different species

• Identify the processes of microevolution and explain the mechanisms by which they function

to influence alleles’ frequencies in populations and lead to macroevolution.

Classification and Biodiversity:

• Describe how living organisms are classified, and categorize them according to specific

structural and functional characteristics

• Explain the importance of and the reasons for maintaining biodiversity, and describe the

threats that can lead to extinction including the impact of human activity.


Section 4: Ecology: Interdependence, energy, and dynamics


  • Distinguish between different ecological concepts (e.g. biomes, ecosystem, communities,habitats and niches) and give examples of interactions among different organismsInterpret food chains and food webs in terms of interaction of organisms through different trophic levels and flow of energy, and analyze the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on ecosystems dynamics

  • Discuss the impact of human activities on the environment and explain the effect of density dependent factors and density independent factors on carrying capacity and changing ecosystems dynamics

  • Explain the importance of individual contributions to sustainable management of resources on earth

EMSAT - Chemistry

UNIT 1: Matter and its properties:


Meaning of what chemistry is and its scope

  • Units of measurement and conversion between them

  • Sources errors and uncertainty in measurements


  • Classification of matter

  • Changes of matter


  • Atomic theories

  • Atomic structure

  • Atomic spectra and their

  • applications

  • Atomic composition


  • Periodic table and how elements

  • properties determined based on

  • their locations

  • Periodicity


  • Volume, temperature, pressure, and amount of a gas

  • Relationships among the four quantities of a gas and their calculations


  • Characteristics of solutions and factors affecting solubility

  • Properties of solutions (qualitatively and quantitively)


  • Electronic composition of the carbon atom

  • Diversity of organic compounds in terms of shape, size, and chemical and physical properties

  • Classifications of organic compounds in terms of functional groups

  • Types of organic reactions and their applications



UNIT 2: Energy, force and conservation 


  • Ionic, polar, and nonpolar covalent bonds

  • Shapes of molecules


  • The concept of the mole and its applications (stoichiometry)

  • Percent composition of a compound

  • Empirical and molecular formulas of a compound

  • Percent yield


  • Acids and bases (strong and weak)

  • The concept and use of pH scale

  • The concept of neutralization (titration)

  • Common ion effect, buffer solutions, and solubility


  • Meaning of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, and activity series

  • Redox reactions to produce electricity and manufacture electrolytic and galvanic cells


  • Factors affecting the reaction rate

  • Chemical equilibrium


  • Energy changes during chemical reactions and/or physical changes

  • Hess's law and how it can be used to predict the occurrence of the chemical reaction

EMSAT - Physics

UNIT I. Mechanics


Sub Unit: Translational Motion:

Chapter 1: Kinematics.

1. Kinematics Equations in Uniform Linear Motion.

2. Newton's Laws of Motion.

3. Universal Gravitation and Kepler’s laws of Planetary Motion.

4. 2D Translational Motion Kinematics Quantities.

5. Projectile Motion.

6 Uniform Circular Motion and Satellite Motion.

Chapter 2: Work, power and energy.

1. Work done by constant or varying force.

2. Energy.

3. Power.

4. Conservation of Energy.

Chapter 3: Momentum.

1. Center of Mass.

2. Linear Momentum.

3. Impulse.

4. Conservation of linear Momentum.

5. Collisions.


Sub unit B. Rotational Motion.

Chapter 1: Rotational Kinematics:

1. Rotational Motion Kinematics Quantities

2. Moment of Inertia.

3. Torque.

4. Newton’s Second Law for Rotation and Static Equilibrium.

Chapter 2: Torque:

1. Work Done by constant or varying Torque.

2. Angular Energy and Conservation of Angular Energy.

3. Angular Momentum and Conservation of angular Momentum.

Sub unit C. Fluids Mechanics

Chapter 1: Fluid properties:

1. Pascal’s Principle.

2. Archimedes’ Principle and Law of Floatation.

3. Fluids Flow

4. Bernoulli’s Equation,


UNIT 2. Waves and Optics


Sub unit A. Waves:

Chapter 1: Oscillations:

This section may include:

1. Simple Harmonic Motion

2. Damped Oscillations

3. Driven (Forced) Oscillations and Resonance

Chapter 2: Wave properties:

This section may include:

1. Mechanical Waves Representations and Characteristics.

2. Mechanical Waves Behavior.

3. Sound in Motion (Doppler Effect).


Sub unit B. Optics

Chapter 1: Light waves.

This section may include:

1. Electromagnetic Waves

2. Polarization

3. Interference

4. Diffraction.

Properties of light waves.

This section may include:

1. Reflection

2. Refraction

3. Mirrors

4. Thin Lenses

5. Optical instruments and devices.




UNIT 3. Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics


SUB UNIT A. Thermal Physics

 Chapter 1: Temperature.

This section may include:

1. Temperature Scales

2. Thermal Equilibrium

3. Thermal Expansion

Chapter 2: Specific heat and energy.

1. Quantity of Heat and Specific Heat Capacity.

2. Calorimetry and Phase Changes.

3. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer.

SUB UNTI B. Thermodynamics

Chapter 1: Introduction to thermodynamics:

1. Ideal Gas Laws.

2. Kinetic Molecular Theory.

Chapter 2: The laws of thermodynamics:

1. First Law of Thermodynamics.

2. Second Law of Thermodynamics.




UNIT 4. Electricity and Magnetism

SUB UNIT A. Electricity

Chapter 1: Introduction to electricity:

1. Electric Charge

2. Electrostatic Force

3. Electric Feld

4. Electric Flux

5. Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy.

6. Capacitors, Capacitance and Dielectrics

Chapter 2: Electrical circuits:

1. Electric Current

2. Direct Current (DC) Electric Circuits

3. Alternating Current (AC) Electric Circuits.

SUN UNIT B. Magnetism

Chapter 1: Introduction to magnetism:

1. Magnet and Electromagnet Properties

2. Magnetic Field

3. Magnetic Flux

4. Magnetic Force

5. Magnetic Torque

Chapter 2: Electromagnetic induction:

1. Electromagnetic Induction Laws

2. Electromagnetic Induction Applications

3. Inductance and Inductors.




UNIT 5. Modern Physics

SUB UNIT A. The Theory of Relativity

1. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity Postulates.

2. Relativity of Simultaneity.

3. Relativity of Time Intervals.

4. Relativity of Length.

5. Relativistic Momentum

6. Mass-Energy Equivalence

SUB UNIT B. Quantum Physics and Atomic Physics

Chapter 1: Introduction to Quantum physics:

1. Blackbody Radiations

2. Photoelectric Effect

3. The Compton Effect

4. Matter Waves: de Broglie wavelength

5. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

6. Quantum Physics Application.

7. Atomic Models.

8. Atomic Spectra.

SUB UNIT C. Nuclear Physics

1. Nuclear Atom Structure and Properties

2. Natural Transmutations: Natural Spontaneous Radioactivity.

3. Rate of Radioactive Decay

4. Artificial Transmutations: Induced Nuclear Reactions

6. Elementary Particles.

7. Composite Particles.

EMSAT Course preparation

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